Home Events Breast Pathology

Breast Pathology


January 15 2021


1:15 pm - 2:30 pm


  • Dr. Gillian Bethune
    Dr. Gillian Bethune

    Dr. Bethune is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Dalhousie University, where she is a staff pathologist in Halifax, NS. She is the Program Director for Anatomical Pathology. Her area of specialty is breast (and gyne) pathology. Dr. Bethune participates in collaborative breast cancer research and is involved in a variety of medical education and QA projects.


1 : Recognize common benign and malignant lesions of the breast
2 : Have an approach to papillary lesions
3 : Have an approach to spindle cell lesions
4 : Have an approach to fibroepithelial lesions
5 : Describe standard biomarker assessment and genetic profiling in breast cancer


Video will be available from January 19 – February 26, 2021

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