Home Events Selected Topics in Head and Neck Pathology

Selected Topics in Head and Neck Pathology


January 12 2022


7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


  • Dr. Martin Hyrcza
    Dr. Martin Hyrcza

    Dr Hyrcza is a molecular biologist and a pathologist. He has completed a combined MD/PhD program at the University of Toronto, after which he trained in anatomical pathology at the University of British Columbia. He then finished a combined Head and Neck / Endocrine Pathology Fellowship in Toronto. He is an assistant professor at the University of Calgary and is currently a consultant pathologist in Head and Neck, Ophthalmic, & Endocrine Pathology at the Foothills Medical Center and Rockyview General Hospital in Calgary. Dr Hyrcza’s research interest include molecular pathology of salivary and lacrimal gland tumours and squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck.


The talk will focus on the differential diagnosis of small round blue cell tumours in the sinonasal tract, HPV-related diseases of the H&N, overview of salivary tumours, and reporting of squamous cell carcinoma of H&N.


Provide a differential diagnosis for a small round blue cell tumour of the sinonasal tract. Determine when HPV testing is indicated and appropriate in the workup of H&N lesions. Describe the common types, locations, and grades of the salivary gland tumours. Provide minimum reporting parameters for H&N squamous cell carcinoma

Target Audience


CanMEDS Roles

Medical Expert (the integrating role)