Home Events Laboratory Testing in VWD and Platelet Disorders

Laboratory Testing in VWD and Platelet Disorders


January 14 2022


4:00 pm - 5:00 pm


  • Dr. Thomas Covello
    Dr. Thomas Covello

    I was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia and have been gradually moving my way westward after completing my MD at the University of Saskatchewan and my residency training in Hematological Pathology at the University of Alberta in 2018. Currently, I am a partner with the C. J. Coady Group, which provides laboratory medicine services to Fraser Health hospitals and LifeLabs. My professional interests include coagulation, transfusion medicine, laboratory informatics and teaching residents and medical students.


Explore and interpret laboratory investigations for von Willebrand disease and platelet function disorders.


1. Discuss the most commonly used laboratory investigations of platelet function disorders and vWD.
2. Discuss the importance of clinical data.
3. Present a systematic approach to diagnosis.
4. Discuss some of the laboratory pitfalls.

Target Audience

Medical Students

CanMEDS Roles

Medical Expert (the integrating role)
Health Advocate