Home Events PA Section Symposium – The Development Of The PA Profession In Canada

PA Section Symposium – The Development Of The PA Profession In Canada


October 13 2021


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


  • Danielle Lee
    Danielle Lee

    Danielle Lee began grossing in 1997. She fell in love with it and, in order to gross more complicated specimens, she pursued a BSc in Medical Laboratory Science at the University of Alberta, becoming a Pathologists’ Assistant in 2003.

    Danielle began her committee work by joined the PA Section Membership Committee in 2007. In 2008 she began chairing that Committee, and in 2012-2016 she served two terms as the PA Section Executive Chair and became the first PA Officer to the CAP-ACP.

    During her time as the PA Section Executive Chair, she formed and then became the inaugural CEO of the Canadian Certification Council of Pathologists’ Assistants (CCCPA-CCCAP), serving from 2014-2019.

    Today Danielle is a consultant, focusing on standardizing grossing policies and procedures via her company: Pathology Solutions, Inc.

    Danielle has been awarded:
    Lloyd A Kennedy Award (2014)-
    PA Section of the CAP-ACP
    Distinguished Service Award (2018)-
    PA Section of the CAP-ACP
    President’s Award (2019)-


A brief history of the PA profession in North America focusing on the steps that lead to certification in both Canada and the United States, the importance of certification, and a glimpse into the profession’s future.


1 : state the definition of, and the difference between, the following terms: Accreditation, certification, licensing, regulation.

2 : identify the Canadian PA certification body

3 : state the relationship of the CCCPA-CCCAP to the CAP-ACP