Home Events Quality Assurance in Hematological Pathology

Quality Assurance in Hematological Pathology


January 13 2022


10:55 am - 12:10 pm


  • Dr. Mahboudeh Rahmani
    Dr. Mahboudeh Rahmani

    Dr. Rahmani is a practicing hematopathologist and transfusion medicine specialist at QEII, Nova Scotia Health, and an assistant professor at Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS. She is board certified in anatomical and clinical pathology, hematopathology, and transfusion medicine (American board of pathology), and is a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in Hematological Pathology.


In this presentation, different aspects of quality assurance in practice related to hematological pathology will be discussed.


At the end of the sessions, participants will be able to:

  • Identify elements of the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) Quality System Essentials.
  • List laboratory errors (pre analytic, analytic and post analytic) and tabulate an approach to incident management.
  • Describe test and instrument selection, validation and verification.

Target Audience
