Home Events HemPath Slide Quiz

HemPath Slide Quiz


January 13 2022


1:10 pm - 2:10 pm


  • Dr. Allam Shawwa
    Dr. Allam Shawwa

    Dr Allam Shawwa is an associate Professor of Pathology at Dalhousie University and is a Hematopathologist at the Queen Elizabeth Health Sciences Centre. Previously was a pathologist at QEH in Charlottetown PEI. Graduated from Jordan University and completed residency training in General Pathology at Dalhousie University. Dr Shawwa’s medical practice involves the diagnosis of lymphoma and leukemia as well as coagulation disorders. Currently he is the Director of the core hematology laboratory at Capital Health. He is actively involved in resident’s teaching and medical education in pathology and hematology


Presentation covers case-based approach in certain transfusion scenarios and reviews some concerning issues in replacement therapy or laboratory utilization of blood products.


  1. Describe complex cases in transfusion medicine
  2. Identify clinical problems in replacement therapy
  3. Describe technical aspects of blood banking
  4. List issues in laboratory utilization in transfusion medicine

Target Audience


CanMEDS Roles

Medical Expert (the integrating role)